I just bought a laser pen from someone. I of course paid in Dogecoin. It is purple which is a pretty awesome color for a laser pen light. It is not a fancy as a blue laser, however blue lasers are several hundred dollars and might be illegal. I purchased a pen for myself and a friend. It should be arriving in the mail by the end of the week.
Yeah blue lasers are without a doubt illegal for recreational use.
I might start selling random things for Dogecoin. I have had bad experiences buying from Dogecoin sellers. Lots of scum bags. For such a nice community all of the sellers have been very shady and underhanded. I am starting to think I should get 100,000 Dogecoin then just sit on it in hopes of it having some value someday. However that would not be nearly as much fun as finding what random stuff I can buy with Dogecoin. We need to send out messages on social media to companies to accept Dogecoin. I bet some social media manager would love the press they could get from selling a TV or coffee table for Dogecoin.
To the moon!
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